Securing Timeless Value On-chain
Join Paul Salisbury as he discusses the need for a more secure and flexible approach to on-chain finance.

In this podcast discussion Paul chats on the need for a more secure and flexible approach to on-chain finance. He mentions the challenges of estate planning and inheritance in crypto, where lawyers are hesitant to handle digital assets stored in hardware wallets or seed phrases. To address these issues, Paul introduces a technology approach that allows non-technical users to securely participate in asset signing and approval workflows. The goal is to create an environment where users have control over their assets and transactions are auditable. Paul emphasizes the importance of decentralization and avoiding centralized risks. He also mentions the potential for hybrid custody options that provide more choices for individuals entering the crypto market.
Let's get started
Connect with the Everlasting team today to have your questions answered about building your crypto estate plan. We are here to help.